Karma Kala Manch Celebrates 1st Anniversary with 4 Performances
They believe in something called teamwork, and they know " teamwork means more 'we' and less 'me' " . Karma Kala Manch(K2M), as they call themselves a 'cooperative theatre group' has just set another example of good TEAMWORK by completing one year of their formation. "We stuck to one principle that we can't win alone. So we worked together over a period of one year to reach where we are today. And the credit goes to each & everyone who is associated with K2M, be it our members, our supporters or our sponsors" says president Manav Jain Dedhia.
K2M, established on 25th DEC 2009 by an enthusiastic & passionate group of theatre artists, focuses to make theatre reach as large as audience as possible. "If people can go, spend good money & watch a movie over a weekend, then why should not they watch a play instead? Afterall its like a live movie. Moreover theatre is the real test & taste of an actor" says their lead actor, Saby.
When asked about competition Azaad, secretary of K2M, with a confident smile adds "we have no rivals nor we are competing with anyone. Our competition is with the negative energy within us. Our goals are clear & we are proceeding towards it slowly, and it goes without saying that 'slow & steady wins the race'. There's a healthy sense of competition amongst our directors and actors, wherein they try to out do each other to better one's skills and to switch on the best in each other!".
The idea behind Karma Kala Manch was described in a very simple but powerful manner by Kunal, lead actor & vice president of K2M. "we believed we have 'kala' within us. All we needed to do is 'karma' for which we needed a 'manch' & K2M gave us the 'manch'. So our punch line is 'KARMA kar, KALA hai, MANCH hai'".
This enthusiastic group of theaterians are celebrating their successful completion of one year by presenting an event of four plays "Kala Ke Chaar Jaam", on 23rd JAN 2011 at Sathaye College Auditorium, Vile Parle (E), where in they are premiering four new plays, TAX FREE, BADI BADI BAATEN, NAINA & NO SMOKING, directed by the director duo Manav-Azaad. To our surprise three of these plays were written by three different K2M members!!.
"We discovered a writer within us when we were going through the ups & downs in the past one year. So we thought why not think out of the box, why to be dependent on someone else's script? And the result is infront of everyone" adds Renucka, lead actor cum writer.
"This time it's definitely going to be bigger. 'Kala Ke Chaar Jaam' is going to make you high with entertainment and this I am saying out of my vast experience in theatre . My team is working hard to design the set, and hope it goes beyond our directors' expectations" says set-property & production manager & actor Vilas Kundkar.
The entire group is expecting this event to be a huge success. "We are putting our body, heart & soul to make this event successful & reach as many number of hearts as possible" says lead actor Amitt, who is also the stage manager of K2M.
"As you can see, everyone's role in K2M is distinct, everyone's doing something extra apart from acting or directing. That's how we manage our group. We are like the fingers of a hand, and we are going to give you a punch of entertainment at 'Kala Ke Chaar Jaam' " says choreographer Subhash Shukla.
"K2M doesn't only do commercial shows. We also do plays & street plays to aware people on a social issue. That's the beauty of K2M that we are sticking to one of the oldest form of play & arts." Says actor Mussarat Momin.
The Team : Manav Jain Dedhia, Azaad, Kunal Mehta, Amitt Saxena, Renucka, Vilas, Saby, Subhash, Mussarat Momin, Sunil, Swarnim, Suneet, Aarti, Brijesh, Alok Parchure, Moushumie Ghosh & Kiran Bhatia.